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캐나다 맥길 대학교 학비 본문


캐나다 맥길 대학교 학비

Yourupe 2018. 1. 29. 13:02

QS 대학랭킹에서 공동 35위를 차지한 퀘벡주의 캐나다 맥길 대학교 학비 2020-21년

참고로 퀘벡주는 캐나다에서 불어권에 속한다.


1. 맥길대학교 학부생(undergraduate) 학비 계산 링크 (클릭)

링크를 누르면 아래와 같은 화면이 나온다.

전공에 따라서 학비가 상이하기 때문에 Degree 눌러 선택하고 Residency는 International로 선택 후 Search.


예를 들어 경상계를 선택하면 아래와 같다. 이것저것 다 합하면 연간 총 55,621, 오늘 환율로 계산하면 5천만원이 좀 안된다.


2. 맥길대학교 석박사 과정 학비 계산 링크 (클릭) 

클릭하면 다음과 같은 화면이 나온다.

역시 International을 선택한 후 해당 과정을 클릭


2020년 세계 대학 순위 및 미국 명문대 온라인 강의


2020 세계대학랭킹

세계대학순위 양대산맥인 QS에서 2020년 발표한 세계대학 순위. 역시 미국이 대부분을 차지하고 있으나, 놀라운 것은 중국, 일본, 싱가포르의 대학들이 일부 미국의 명문대를 제쳤다는 것이다. 순


-----------------------------------------아래는 2018년 정보----------------------------------------

맥길 대학교 순위

Maclean's 24th annual rankings에 의하면 2016-17년 기준, 캐나다에서는 12년 연속 1위 (Maclean's 24th annual rankings)

2018 QS World University Rankings는 조금 다른데 전세계에서는 32위, 캐나다에서 2위.


캐나다 명문 맥길 대학교 석박사 유학생 2018년 학비


Students in graduate programs pay tuition fees on a per credit basis or a flat rate basis according to their status. 

Fees are quoted on a per term basis (15 credits full-time; 7.5 credits half-time) 

International Students (excluding certain Graduate programs – see below)
  Masters' PhD
Full-time Residency Term 8,186.70 7,348.35
Half-time Residency Term 4,093.35 3,674.18
Tuition per credit (fees are composed of the Quebec rate $79.70 plus international supplements $466.08) 545.78 N/A
Additional session 723.49 723.49
Non-Thesis Extension 1,085.23 N/A
Thesis Evaluation Term 0.00 0.00


아래는 학부 유학생 학비

International Undergraduate Students in certain programs**
  Tuition per credit Tuition per 3-credit course Tuition per 6-credit course
Students in Arts, Education, Religious Studies and certain non-Management certificate programs in Continuing Education 545.78 1,637.34 3,274.68
Students in Nursing, Physical & Occupational Therapy, Agriculture & Environmental Science (excluding Bioresource Engineering), School of Architecture, Music, Medicine & Dentistry 609.63 1,828.89 3,657.78
Students in BA & Sc; BMUS-BED; BSC-BED 577.70 1,733.10 3,466.20
International Undergraduate Students in the disciplines of Engineering, Commerce, Science, Computer Science and Law
B.Com.,special students in Management
  Tuition per credit Tuition per 3 credit course Tuition per 6 credit course
Admitted and enrolled September 2013(b) 1,175.00 3,525.00 7,050.00
Admitted and enrolled September 2014(b) 1,245.50 3,736.50 7,473.00
Admitted and enrolled September 2015(b) 1,307.78 3,923.34 7,846.68
Admitted and enrolled September 2016(b) 1,360.09 4,080.27 8,160.54
Admitted and enrolled since September 2017(b) 1,400,89 4,202.67 8,405.34
B.Eng., B.S.E., B.Eng.Br., special and visiting students in Engineering disciplines;
BSc, special and visiting students in Science;
B.C.L., B.C.L-LL.B, LL.B; special and visiting students in Law;
  Tuition per credit Tuition per 3 credit course Tuition per 6 credit course
Admitted and enrolled September 2013(b) 1,021.80 3,065.40 6,130.80
Admitted and enrolled September 2014(b) 1,083.11 3,249.33 6,498.66
Admitted and enrolled September 2015(b) 1,137.27 3,411.81 6,823.62
Admitted and enrolled September 2016(b) 1,182.76 3,548.28 7,096.56
Admitted and enrolled since September 2017(b) 1,218.24 3,654.72 7,309.44
Certificate programs in Management, Computer or Engineering type disciplines
  Tuition per credit Tuition per 3 credit course Tuition per 6 credit course
All International students(a) 1,076.47 3,229.41 6,458.82
(a) In Fall 2018, students can expect fee increases of approximately 7.7%.
(b) Students admitted since 2012 were guaranteed a fixed rate for the duration of the program, as long as there was no break in enrolment. Students who do not register for four (4) or more consecutive terms (including summer terms) are considered to have a break in enrolment and will be subject to the new fee schedule in effect for the term for which they are readmitted and enrolled. Please note that a term of withdrawal from the University is included in the calculation of four (4) unregistered terms when students are not charged tuition for that term. Terms for which students are registered on an officially approved leave of absence, exchange or study away program are not calculated as part of a break in enrolment. Students who transfer degree programs are also subject to the new fee schedule in effect for the term in which they transfer.

Summer Languages Institute - Non-McGill Students

Tuition (per credit) 572.35
Tuition (per 6 credit course) 3,434.10
Registration Charge 47.52
Information Technology Charge 46.38
Arts Information Technology Charge 9.24
Transcript & Diploma Charge 8.46
Copyright Fee 5.46
General Administrative Charge 33.09
Field Trip Fee re course QCST 336 51.87
International Health Insurance (if applicable) 331.00
Total Fees per 6 credit semester (Canadian) 3,584.25
Total Fees per 6 credit semester (International) 3,915.25

Compulsory Fees

  Per credit Flat rate
Registration 7.93  
Information Technology 7.73  
Transcript and Diploma Charge 1.41  
Copyright Fee .91  
General Administrative Charge   33.09



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